Join us on January 12, 2019 for the first in a 3 part dinner series: “What Would Happen if One Woman Told The Truth About Her Life?” This question is based on the words from feminist poet Muriel Rukeyser’s poem Kathe Kollwitz.
Join us on January 12, 2019 for the first in a 3 part dinner series: “What Would Happen if One Woman Told The Truth About Her Life?” This question is based on the words from feminist poet Muriel Rukeyser’s poem Kathe Kollwitz.
Join us on January 12, 2019 for the first in a 3 part dinner series: “What Would Happen if One Woman Told The Truth About Her Life?” This question is based on the words from feminist poet Muriel Rukeyser’s poem Kathe Kollwitz.
Join us on January 12, 2019 for the first in a 3 part dinner series: “What Would Happen if One Woman Told The Truth About Her Life?” This question is based on the words from feminist poet Muriel Rukeyser’s poem Kathe Kollwitz.
When Changing Nothing, Changes Everything: The Power of Reframing Your Life
When Changing Nothing, Changes Everything: The Power of Reframing Your Life
Welcome to the kickoff of the Happy Women Novel Book Club!
We will be reading feel-good novels that can uplift our spirits as we quarantine at home.
Welcome to the kickoff of the Happy Women Novel Book Club!
We will be reading feel-good novels that can uplift our spirits as we quarantine at home.
“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open” - Muriel Rukeyser
“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open” - Muriel Rukeyser
“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open” - Muriel Rukeyser
Virtual Book Club

Book Club Dates are Two Thursday Afternoons:
Join us with Tom Lutz, Author, Distinguished Professor, Editor, Humanist and Gadabout to discuss his newest book Aimlessness. We will be meeting over Zoom for 2 gatherings and discussion.
Thursday, May 27 at 5:30 pm PST
First session is a 20 minute Welcome Introduction to the group before we begin reading the book.
Thursday, June 17 at 5:30 pm PST
Next Session after we have completed the book is one hour.
A Zoom link will be sent to you a few days before each meeting.
Ideas and stories from around the world intended to be read aimlessly, in the hope of winding up someplace unexpected.
Our culture values striving, purpose, achievement, and accumulation. This book asks us to get sidetracked along the way. It praises aimlessness as a source of creativity and an alternative to the demand for linear, efficient, instrumentalist thinking and productivity.
Aimlessness collects ideas and stories from around the world that value indirection, wandering, getting lost, waiting, meandering, lingering, sitting, laying about, daydreaming, and other ways to be open to possibility, chaos, and multiplicity.
Tom Lutz considers aimlessness as a fundamental human proclivity and method, one that has been vilified by modern industrial societies but celebrated by many religious traditions, philosophers, writers, and artists. He roams a circular path that snakes and forks down sideroads, traipsing through modernist art, nomadic life, slacker comedies, drugs, travel, nirvana, and oblivion. The book is structured as a recursive, disjunctive spiral of short sections, a collage of narrative, anecdotal, analytic, and lyrical passages―intended to be read aimlessly, to wind up someplace unexpected.
Tom Lutz is a writer of books, articles, and screenplays, the founder of the Los Angeles Review of Books, and is now Distinguished Professor at UC Riverside. His books include American Book Award winner Doing Nothing, New York Times notable books Crying and American Nervousness, 1903, the travel books And the Monkey Learned Nothing and Drinking Mare’s Milk on the Roof of the World, and coming on January 14, 2020, Born Slippy: A Novel. He has written for television and film, and appeared in scores of national and international newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and edited collections. He is working with a Los Angeles-based production company on a television show set in the 1920s, is finishing a third collection of travel pieces, a book on the 1920s (The Modern Surface), and is in the early stages of a book on global conflict along the aridity line.
waiting for us, on the other side of this.
Please support your local independent bookstores by purchasing Aimlessness through which will direct you to a bookseller close to your home. If you prefer audiobooks, please purchase via
Our Summer Special Rate $25.00
Invite Your Book Club & Other Friends to Join.
Email to make your reservation!